Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No more break for me...

Looks like all that time I was looking forward to just got cut in half.

I called my boss today to say that I don't think that I would be able to work due to Daniel and I moving, but she was so desperate. I was the best worker she had. I had the most experience and education and a love for the job. I saw a need and taught those children. I love two year olds. I look forward to working with them again, but I was so looking forward to the all day availability to work on my scrapbooking. The good news is that my schedule is allowing. I will have a good portion of the day to myself. And the boss lady and I have a deal that I can be out of there by the end of the month, just as soon as we get word.

Husband comes home Friday from a week of volunteering at the special olympics. I went up to see him Tuesday and eat at Eskimo Joe's. Good food, but nothing I haven't had before. Daniel bought me a shirt and a cup. This week end is going to be full of rest and crafting. Perhaps even a jog or two if the weather allows.

Look forward to posting more often again. See ya later gators!

1 comment:

  1. im glad you saw your hubby. the weather has been horrible this week. :(
